Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Blessings

The month of December flew by, but I somehow managed to extract as much of the Christmas experience as I could.  It was wonderful to take on a bit of Christmas Caroling, baking cookies and enjoying the beauty of neighbor's decorations. There was a little more savoring the little moments that can often feel rushed loosing a bit of its full meaning. 

One of my personal highlights is always Christmas Eve service. There is something sacred about dimming of lights, lighting of candles and singing praises to the little one born in a manger who would ultimately be our Messiah and Savior. I am in awe of God's goodness. I am revel in the beauty of His birth, miracles and promises that blow presents and poinsettias out of the water. My heart can often become overwhelmed at how grateful I am for my family, friends, faith and country. I feel unworthy, but so very grateful.
Wishing all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Reason for the Season

Gifts wrapped around the tree, Santa, carols and Christmas trees are all wonderful parts of the Christmas Season. I love the smell of Christmas trees, the aroma of baked gingerbread and the twinkling of lights on neighbor's homes. It's pretty heart warming.
What I have found the greatest joy in during this time of year is serving others and seeking ways to meet the needs of those who may be facing Christmas homeless, without a job, with a loved one suffering with an illness or having experienced the loss of someone they cared for. The holidays can be tough stuff, but how totally awesome is it to seek ways to bring smiles to the hearts and faces of those facing the greatest level of adversity? Awesome!
A friend of ours runs Spirit of the Holidays. She started this outreach after losing her brother to AIDS. Years later, this program provides Christmas gifts to hundreds of family members who have a loved one suffering from this disease. A room teeming with beautifully wrapped gifts with the names of young and old none of us would ever meet. Christmas delivered to their doorstep. It doesn't get much better than that.

When we step into the season with the eyes of Christ aiming for no other desire, but to serve those with aching hearts, it's a mind boggling experience. The simple act of serving goes so far. A bunch of kids and one of my dear friends, Terri, trekked to the Cathedral Kitchen to serve dinner to locals in need. We doled out close to 300 plates of turkey, yam and mashed potato dinners. Every seat was filled by an individual with a different story, a heart facing some sort of adversity and each set of eyes looking into a world with varying levels of uncertainty. The reality is, we all have a story. 

My prayer is that we assume the eyes of Christ. As we celebrate His birth I am so profoundly grateful for His promises, for His birth and His grace that was so unwarranted. He is the reason for the season. With Christmas drawing near I am excited to celebrate His birth, but also to continually seek ways to serve and love in a way that exudes the love of Christ.