Sitting still and being a spectator in life isn't something that appeals to me and I have to say it has been pretty cool witnessing Taylor really come into her own and do everything but sit still. Thursday evening marked Shawnee High School's first annual Glow Run for the Hope Alive Clinic in Haiti. Close to 200 participants rocked out with their glow sticks, glow glasses and full fledge glow apparel. It was hard to not get choked up watching this 18 year old kid stand at the starting line directing her peers to begin a race that she made happen. For months she organized, pursued sponsors and created something from nothing. Pretty impressive.
Standing on the bleachers a few hundred kids stood in darkness with all their glow gear gathered on the football field having the time of their lives. What few could grasp is what their donations, sponsoring and commitment to this run really pans out to. But it's hard to fathom it. My mind flashes to Haiti. The little boy balancing a jug of fresh water on his head. The young orphans gathered around us ecstatic for their toothbrushes and crayons. Sickness, poverty and need abound. The money raised will literally save lives and help so many aching hearts. As I stood on in darkness I fought back tears and my heart swelling with pride at what Taylor accomplished as both a parent and participant of this event. It was totally and utterly awesome.
I am grateful for Taylor's heart. I pray that the money raised will be used for wonderful and amazing things. We will never know the full impact this event will have, but that's really what it's all about. To not take the step and invest our efforts to do something and make a change puts us at a disadvantage in getting the fullness of life. God is good and I pray He will continue to direct us and use our efforts to assist in change and to never allow for complacency to come our way. Keeping the goodness rolling and thankful for an absolutely epic Glow Run!