Sunday, September 8, 2013

The little big things

Every day brings another sunrise and closes with a sunset. Simple concept with beautiful details If you think back from now to the beginning of 2013 how many sunrises and sunsets have you taken the opportunity to see? Every day we're given an opportunity to view some of God's most spectacular creation with brilliant shades of red, yellow and purple. No matter what part of the globe there is a rise and fall of each day and an art show right outside of our doorstep.

With the crazy train nature of the beginning of the school year I've been guilty of allowing days blend together and for losing sight of the beauty of what each day holds, from beginning to end. As Keith and I sat on the beach today with waves crashing on the beach and the smell of a light salt swept along the shore line I was again reminded of the richness and beauty of the little big things in life. I am grateful for the little big things in life. 

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