Saturday, November 9, 2013

I am not a runner

As educators we always encourage others to dream big and to do extraordinary things. It's a lot easier to be a cheerleader and spectator than to be in the mix and the dreamer. Today I joined 19,000 other dreamers digging deep and running hard along the historic district of Savannah.

God did not make my body to run long distances. There is nothing graceful about me. Nothing. A few years ago a 5k was daunting. Today I stood among thousands of others aiming for a goal that I never thought possible. The truth is we often limit ourselves doubting our abilities and and what we are capable of. Dream big.

Rounding mile twelve there was a hill a very big hill. My legs hurt and my stamina was waning. I closed my eyes and thanked God for providing the ability to do something I never thought possible. I shifted from my aching body to the faces of those I know who could not run. My friend Tricia, one of the most AMAZING people I have ever met, battling CF. In that moment, I tore it up for Tricia.

Do we dream and push our limits not only for ourselves, but for those who cannot do what we so often take for granted? 
Running has provided so many lessons. Runners come in all shapes and sizes. There is no excuse to not run, jog or power walk. Runners are pretty much a group of awesome, compassionate and inspiring people. Pretty cool company. 

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