We are in a culture that is constantly pushing the future where there's little pause between clearing the Halloween candy tray and putting up the Christmas Tree. It's a fight to enjoy the present and as I've aged my tolerance for the exploitation tactics for the holidays has diminished. There is so much goodness to be had this time of year.
We had our annual Thanksgiving basket drive at school where over 40 families were provided Thanksgiving dinner from goods gathered from both students and our community. What better way to embrace Thanksgiving than working with others to impact people, of all ages, in our own backyards? Frozen turkeys, boxes of stuffing and bags of potatoes filled each bag making it a seriously awesome kick off to the holiday season.
This year we stayed home for Thanksgiving and it was amazing. After a pretty intense and fast paced week being able to be home with the girls and just enjoy being together while plenty of time to relax was one of the greatest possible gifts of all time. No driving, no tolls, no road rage and it was awesome. I am thankful for family and the freedoms in our great country that can so easily be taken for granted. Loving the now and the beauty of a very full present.