Thursday, April 16, 2009

Spring is break-in

Spring Break is here and nearly coming to a close. It's hard to believe how quickly time passes. Although there were no palm trees or epic travel stories from the other side of the globe it was comforting to spend a week with those I hold closest to my heart. Having tea and oatmeal on the porch with Tristan, holding little Gabe in my arms and savoring the little things that I rarely have the opportunity to be a part of was truly a blessing. 
Anyone who knows me would say that there's more salt water than blood flowing through my veins, but these days on the farm with the ones I adore over rode a few hours of surfing in the Atlantic. Besides, I'm already planning a trek to the shore within 72 hours of returning to Jersey : ) I am not a farmer and will never be, but family overrides all that.

I am a firm believer that the chickens are potentially possessed and although I nearly lost an eye in pursuit of the perfect egg, there was no wavering on my part. I will never be able to gracefully herd pigs. Tristan has a better shot at catching a piglet with a fishing net than I do any day. I've come to terms with that, but I'll still keep treking on.  Being with my 'peeps' makes the world seem a little less loco and continually allows me to keep things in perspective. 
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