Sunday, May 17, 2009

Making a habit out of Habitat'in

There's a whole lot of ways to get a 'high' out of life. For me there's nothing quite as epic as getting your hands dirty & getting plugged into a project that makes someone else's life a little bit brighter. I've been involved in many types of community projects over the years, but have yet to have an opportunity to work on a Habitat for Humanity project. 
My friend Janet, myself and six kids from Young Life & old school Seneca alumni / family friends rolled into Philly on Saturday morning. The project we were involved with was a house on Gratz Street (a few blocks from Temple) that needed some serious tlc. Our task for the day was to install installation into the ceiling. We broke into groups and had a day filled with wobbly ladders, off tune singers & some very sticky installation glue. It was one of the best volunteer experiences I've ever had and will remember for a very long time. I was in awe of the hearts of the young people on our project - so willing & eager to jump right into the thick of things and not one complaint all day. There's nothing like being in the presence of positive peeps. 
My hands and arms still look like I may be plagued with leprosy, but I'm diggin it. As we propped & manipulated a whole bunch of instillation on the rafters I couldn't help but smile thinking that in the next few months a family would be where we were working. How absolutely awesome is that? 

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