Sunday, May 10, 2009

Weekend Del Madre

There are different times of the year that there is a part of me that feels guilty for living so far from my family. With Mother's Day a card and a phone call always seems so inadequate a gesture to someone who gave me life and whom I also consider to be my best friend. I wanted nothing more to spend the weekend sitting on the porch in a rocking chair chatting with my mom and celebrating her on the 'Dia de madre.' But as life and obligation would have it, that wasn't possible. But in our separation over the years what has been a tremendous blessing is the re-defining and expounding of the meaning of 'family'.  
I am blessed to have those that might not be blood relation, but people I adore and love greatly. And although mom was six hours due south there were others that I was able to 
re-connect and gain a deeper perspective on family, love and valuing those you care for. 
On Mother's Day I was not out with the herd catching brunch or barbecuing, but worked a gig in Philly feeding a little under 100 homeless folk in West Philly. I headed out with a small group and it was a blessing to be able to serve people who have hit a hard patch in life and just need a little extra encouragement and a decent meal to lift their spirits, even if for a short period of time. There really is nothing like paying it forward... 
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