Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Fall Festive-ness

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 I'm beginning to believe there is truth behind my Grandma Gert's ongoing reminder that time is fleeting and only kicks up speed as you grow older. Jess and the crew came up for a weekend visit combining Birthday, Halloween and Autumn Festivities. It went quickly.
 Even though I have been in Jersey for the past eight years there are those moments when it's strange being here doing some of the same things I once did some twenty plus years ago. There's a renewed joy experiencing it all through the eyes of little ones. From the Halloween Parade watching Tristan (and yes, I will admit I was an accomplice) lunge for candy, examining the patch for the perfect pumpkin to nibbling on freshly baked cider donuts it is all a whole new experience when the little dudes are involved. I felt officially old rehashing memories of the days of Jess, their E and Shana. Lots of history in the 08055 for this 34 year old. Plenty of great, rich memories that quite often leave me speechless at the thought of how full my life has been.
It was also wonderful having some great catch up time with Jess and Carrie. We headed to Belmar and it was a blast having some down time with Carrie's kids, Tristan, Gabe, Jess & my Dad. No matter how much time lapses between seeing Carrie & Jess, as soon as we're together it's like we never parted ways. There's something pretty awesome about friendships where time stands still and the love, history and dependability is always there. Gotta love my girls : )
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