Sunday, June 8, 2014

Banana Pancakes topped with goodness

I love good music, surf and family. So having the opportunity to have it all in a week was pretty sweet. We were pretty stoked to attend Taylor being honored as a Burlington County Times Teen Excellency award recipient. Yay, Tay! I have to say watching her on the big screen and listening to others brag about an 18 year old kid making so many amazing things occur made my heart swell with pride and joy. Life's too short not to do good things and I am SO happy her heart desires to serve and love others in a way that few do. 

We managed to get through another week of crazy and end it sitting in our beach chairs on the lawn listening to Jack Johnson strum some amazing tunes. The dude rocks and after a pretty intense week of being, going and doing it was so very nice to just sit back and chill. I love good music and really find solace in taking the time to enjoy the little things that bring out the best in life. Jack Johnson, yes please : )
I'm not sure how one could not be prompted to paddle out into the great Atlantic after a few hours of listening to Jack. I could not deny the desire to get a little salty. So when my alarm went off a little after five there was Banana Pancakes that made the drive nothing short of wonderful.

The water was 62 degrees with the sun shining and a only a handful of guys out in the line up with clean sets of knee to waist high waves rolling in one after another. As I sat buoying in the Atlantic as most were still sleeping in bed I couldn't help but smile at the sheer beauty and simplicity of what seven in the morning held. Thank you God for your creation, opportunities to be still and give thanks and the reality that I am so very blessed in ways that I am so very undeserving. I'm grateful and digging June! 

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