Monday, September 22, 2008

38 hours of chilling south of the Mason Dixon

One of these days it would be awesome to know how many miles I've racked up by car, air and foot in the past 30 years. That would be an interesting find & I'd bet there would be some cheesy trophy involved. By the time I arrived in Virginia it left me with less than 48 hours of family bonding. But you take what you can get. 
We celebrated Tristan's Birthday a bit early, but what fun it is turning three. He was stoked with the balloons, John Deere Tractor cake & his 'super farmer' cape my mom purchased at 
the market. After having cake for breakfast (how great is that?) he had the rest of the day to run around in his John Deere cape and silver mask attempting to help out moving cattle to the next field in his rather impressive four wheel drive. That kid has the life.

Although tired and now playing catch up, the weekend was absolutely worth it. They always are. The recent rain has provided a nice surge of grass growth alleviating a bit of stress on my parents & no longer having to tap into their hay supply. In the past two years I've gained such a greater respect and appreciation for farming and the pertinence in supporting your local businesses & farm community. You can't go wrong with food right out of the ground or off the tree. Not flown in from 1,257 miles away subjected to who knows what. Local is good. Repeat after me in english, gaelic or hebrew. It doesn't matter to me. Buy local! 
So, good times were had. Heading into another week and loving the cool air. 

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