Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Super married

So this is the longest I have gone without an update on the life of E, except for the time I was couch surfing with Beduoins, and now I am giving it a go without the ability to upload pics. Keith & I are in the BWI airport awaiting our departure to San Fran. Sitting still for long periods of time does not suit this now married woman very well.
Married. Yup, the Hebrew is hitched and I have to say it was an evening teeming with richness, emotion and fun that I will never forget. Standing at the top of a hill, gazing below at family and friends...walking down the aisle by my fathe's side towards the man I would shortly be spending the rest of my life with. A moment that I will have freeze framed in my mind forever; it took my breathe away.
From the flip flop fans, glow sticks, pinata, singing to my hubby (acoustic style) after the generator ran out of gas, hayrides, non-stop dancing and sea of smiling faces through the night; it was seriously an epic evening. I have always heard how fleeting the actual wedding day is for brides. With that being said, there were those moments I paused and just soaked it all in. I didn't want the evening to end, as most brides would attest to, but I believe our night was a little different. There was an overall sense of pure love, family and friendship that resonated in the faces of our guests and our little plot of land, for just a moment in time, felt like a sanctuary removed from the rest of the world. It was truly an evening of epic goodness.
I will be sure to upload pics once we are settled in San Fran. Life is a blank canvas that we choose it's color scheme. It is my intention to use the brightest colors, deepest tones and create a masterpiece that cannot go unnoticed.

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