Sunday, June 17, 2012

Dual Diploma Goodness

 The end of the school year is always the traditional whirl wind of attempting to tie up loose ends, saying last goodbyes to graduates and the attempt to maintain composure at the elation of summer's arrival. This year was a whole new experience as Jordan not only graduated from Shawnee, but managed to receive her Associate's Degree from BCC before even receiving her high school diploma. I would say that that's a pretty impressive accomplishment.
As a new chapter awaits I know she is excited to begin her studies at the University of Rhode Island to begin their six year pharmacy program. It's amazing to think how much life lies ahead of you when your eighteen. A whole canvas waiting for the color and new experiences to be added. I am excited for her and the future that lies before her. 
My prayer is that as each of us enters each new stage in life that we will be receptive to God's direction and open to His plan's. If you were to have told me at eighteen that I would be living 3 miles away from where I grew up, working in the same district that I attended high school and married with two teenagers I more than likely would have put the label of 'crazy train' on that statement. But God is in control and the path that I had for myself at eighteen and even twenty- five was so very different than the one God intended. 

But that's the cool thing about life, it isn't meant to be predictable. As Seneca and Shawnee's Class of 2012 forge their own paths it will be interesting to see where life leads these young people. Quite often the unknown can be daunting, but my belief is that if you are open to God's leading and maintain receptive ears, a willing heart and open arms the path will bring you to your intended destination. Live, love & laugh on this beautiful day! 

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