Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Father's Day Madness...or just colored goodness

Sunday started a little earlier than everyone in the Patterson clan would have
liked it too, but being the committed athletes that we are the crew was up and
Philly bound at 5:15 am. Ouch. We were bound for the Color Me Rad 5k that
was to be held in Fairmont Park. The sun wasn't even making its debut until
after we arrived in Philly and even though our surroundings may have been a
tad on the sketchy side, we were ready to have our attire to from all white to all
the colors of the rainbow.

There were thousands of people, young and old, lined up all in the name of goodness.
All of the proceeds raised went directly towards the Special Olympics.
Fun+Goodness= a total win for all. Yay!
As everyone either ran their hardest, did a little power walking or skipped their way
along the course it was a whole heap of fun. What other occassion can you run through
the streets of Philly with people pelting you with colored corn starch and not have the
inclination of getting mugged or asked for money that has the strong possibility of funding
someone's addiction? Never! We ran through clouds of pink, green, purple and blue with
smiles on our faces. Woop!

It was the perfect way to spend a day loving Keith, having us all achieve target heart rate
as a family along with being immersed in super goodness with thousands of other crazy
train peeps. Bring on the goodness!!! 

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