Monday, October 29, 2012

Accelerated weekend(ish)

Very rarely do my parents have the opportunity to trek to Jersey. I can count on my fingers the amount of times that they have been able to break free from the farm since I moved here over nine years ago. So having them for a whole weekend(ish) was very nice. 
Tristan seemed on overload with a heap of activities planned that started the minute he got out of the car. The kid is accustomed to a pretty laid back life style consisting of a day of home schooling, farm life and treks to church and town. So walking into a sea of 1,200+ kids participating in our first ever school wide lip dub and pep rally was a bit overwhelming, but awesome. 
Sometimes it is nice to have activities spread out a bit, but that wasn't' the case with attending the Seneca Character Breakfast followed by the Safe Trick or Treat @ Shawnee (where Taylor was a very cute zebra) and wrapping things up with the Medford Halloween Parade. The little dude was exhausted once nine o'clock rolled around. But he was a super trooper.

Even though everything was warp speed, it was really nice to see the three of them. I loved watching Taylor and Tristan have some cousin time goofing around, hugging and laughing. A six hour trek isn't as easy to accomplish as it used to be with time and life obligations, but the next scheduled trip is for the Drug Squad Retreat beginning Nov. 15th. Deep breathing as that date draws a bit closer. It's not always easy to take the time to smile, breathe and take in moments that are easy to slip by our fingertips if we're not careful. Making it a priority has to be a priority....I just haven't conquered that one yet. 

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