Sunday, October 21, 2012


This morning the sermon at church delved into the aspect of giving, serving and stretching ourselves beyond our comfort zone and, in turn, allowing God to use us in the lives of others. Taylor and I spent some time chatting about the aspect of giving and serving. Are we serving? And when we do, is our heart in the right place? A struggle I have is how easily I can become disheartened when others don't share my vision, but the other side is how absolutely contagious it is once they get (as I like to refer to it) infected : ) . It's life altering. 
So goes the PF3 at Seneca. Philly Full Fledge Feed...bam! Another yellow bus rolled into Philly on Wednesday afternoon with a load of teens and adults ready to rock and roll. It seems each time we go things roll a little smoother and the interactions with those receiving food and clothing gets more genuine. I love watching the hearts of these kids, adults and now my friend's little ones totally get super amped up while gaining insight into a world that very few allow themselves to go. 

Seventeen year old boys rolling through Love Park on their skateboards eagerly handing out blankets and bag lunches to young and old on benches, street corners and huddled in groups. Kids scouring for just one more blanket or pair of socks to give to someone who, in just a few hours, will be sleeping on the cold concrete as evening sets. I am in awe of the lessons, in just a very short amount of time, that these guys are taking with them. Each of them asking, "Lawler, please let me go on the next trip." Stoked. Elated. Awesome. With the proper direction, ingredients and man power seeds can be planted and eyes can be opened to pass the torch in establishing a life time of giving, serving and living in a way that's anything but ordinary. 

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