Sunday, June 16, 2013

Padre y Mucho Colores

Father's Day has taken on an even richer meaning these past three plus years with Keith in my life. One of the things that lead me to falling in love with him was his love for his children. As we near our three year mark it is that love and his role as both father and husband that I am very grateful for. He's a good dude.
Months ago we planned on doing a second round of Father's Day via the Color Me Rad run in Philly. It ended up where Jordan had to attend a wedding this weekend and Keith was feeling funky and not so rad. So we improvised with Taylor and I both bringing a friend. 

It ended up being an awesome day. My friend, Liz, that I have known forever filled in and it was awesome. We had a chance to catch up and I knew a little color might make her day a little less funky being that she lost her Dad over fifteen years ago. One thing life has taught me, that celebrations and holidays for some are really tough on others. Being sensitive to that is pretty important.
I adore Liz and my heart hurts for her on holidays, Father's Day and the time of year marking yet another year of her Dad's absence. Loss stinks. But having a little color infusion on those gray days makes it not as painful. 

So the four of us ran together and were surrounded by clouds of color. What better way to spend a Sunday? We wrapped up the day with a very fun dinner with Tay, Keith, my mom and I. We relaxed, spent time together and had a little nosh to end the night off right. I am grateful for family, for the color in my life and the opportunities I have to create so many amazing memories.

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