Sunday, August 4, 2013

Canoe Carnival

For this chick, summer and the Medford Lakes Canoe Carnival are synonymous with one another. It's like fall and apple cider donuts. Or a bagel that's lightly toasted with a little cream cheese. They're things in life that just go together. I would have said peanut butter and jelly, but the epi pen would need to surface. May we maintain a c.a.p (cashew, almonds & peanuts) free zone. 

I am very grateful for summer. Trying to grasp living in a land void of flip flops, sun and the smell of suntan lotion for at least a few months out of the year seems unthinkable. My body would shut down and I would need to park myself under a lamp light for a few hours a day. I would not be a happy E. Summer just seems to add a bounce to my step and a little pigment to the skin. Love it. Being away from my desk, responsibility and just chilling is a form of therapy that is sheer goodness.

As we sat on the dock watching the clouds clear after a brief shower a double rainbow stretched across the lake. It was not only another moment of summer goodness, but a reminder of God's unfailing love and goodness. I am grateful for His love, for the beauty in life (even with all the crazy train nature of it all) and how fortunate I am to have so many good and loving people in my life.

As August rolls into week two I am determined to live it one day at a time. Life is too fleeting to be permanently fixated on what lies ahead instead of the moment. Peace, love & rainbows. 

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