Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I always stress the importance of living in the moment & not rushing the fleeting present. Right now I'm struggling with that concept as summer lies within reach & I find myself counting down from months, weeks and now what are mere days until another school year commences. But it is truly amazing how quickly time lapses as quick as a blink of an eye. 
Last week I headed to the Camden Water Front to see Cold Play in concert with a whole crew of people. There is nothing like chilling on a lawn full of people under a canopy of stars & being in the presence of some fairly epic company. The concert was insane and fully worthy of a serious golf clap & two solid thumbs up. It was a blast and another evening reinforcing summer's arrival. 
Today marked my last field trip of the year and this time it was a true chill session as I assumed the role of chaperone instead of being responsible for a mass of students. We headed over the Ben and spent the day perusing the streets of Philly. It was a blast with sun, clear skies and some pretty stoked kids calculating problems for math that left me perplexed after reading only a few words. Math is definitely not a calling. 
I was with teachers who held the same mentality as me: allow kids to puncture that bubble they reside in and experience a different culture & gain a sense of independence. I feel it is so pertinent to equip our kids with a sense of culture, insight & learning that is only possible by stepping outside the realm of a classroom. Today, I believe that happened. In the process I had a truly epic day soaking in the moment and just taking some deep breathes and thanking God for just being. 

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