Thursday, October 22, 2009

Phil-in' Phantastic

With the weekend less than 24 hours away this week leaves me exhausted from some amazing experiences. I dig baseball, but never considered being able to score tickets to any of the play off games. After a few goes on the phone, I managed to land a pair of seats that were mind boggling. Game four with Phils verse the Dodgers found myself and my friend, Janet, on row two diagonal from the first base line. We stuck out as not being a season ticket holder, but who cares?

A-M-A-Z-I-N-G is pretty much what comes to mind when reflecting on the night. From a sea of rally towels twirling incessantly to fire crackers streaking the night sky and being close enough to the players striding by to almost see the sweat dripping from their baseball caps. It was hands down the best game of my life that closed with Rollins connecting to bring in two runs and a signed, sealed, delivered victory. What an epic evening.

Tuesday I was asked to attend an aviation presentation at McGuire Air Force Base the following day (aka post Phils game). Although I was fiercely sleep deprived, it was yet again an experience of a life time. We hit 26,000 feet with clear skies and a crystal sea below us. I had the opportunity to sit with the pilots in the cock pit and chat a little about their responsibilities along with the re-fueling process involved with fighter jets mid-air, which was the purpose of our particular flight.

WIth a fighter jet on each side of the plane's wings and another re-fueling below, it was an unbelievable sight. I climbed down into the belly of the 707 and caught some unbelievable shots of each jet taking their turn to refuel mid-air. I was hoping to find a parachute aboard and maybe catch a quick jump, but that was a no go. Thinking positively, I've got to think that it'll happen the next random activity involving a plane, 26,000 feet of pure free fall and of course, a parachute.

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