Sunday, December 27, 2009

A few days ago I was in Jersey a midst a whirl wind of frenzied shoppers, coffee infused tailgaters and the endless exchanges of, 'Happy Holidays.' On the farm, feeling removed from all the wrapping paper, tinsel and commercialization I've found more plenty in morning coffee chats with my mom, seeking out a tree in the middle of a pasture with the nephew & hauling in wood for the house with my dad. The other stuff is just a distraction and detracts from what this time of year is about...Christ's birth and the hope found through His birth. Santa, re-gifted candles & glittering Christmas trees pale in comparison to the truth that is so often placed on the back burner.

The next few days I hope to continue hitting the pause button & savoring the moments I have with the family. I love the baby cow prancing across the front yard, hacking down a tree in the middle of the forest & hearing 'E' all day long from my little buddy. Enjoying the moment, because time goes so by so quickly. Lovin' it, livin' it, doin' it : )
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