Thursday, December 24, 2009

Snow, snow & a little side of snow

I pulled into Faith Farm around 4:30 am after a very long, traffic laden trek from Jersey. It feels very good to be here and hopefully have some time to recharge and spend time with some of my favorite people on the planet. The past week was a little quirky and after a few days of being snow bound and having way too much time to think my heart and spirit were very ready to be with my family the next week. I consider myself very independent, but sometimes good friends just aren't the same. Maybe it's the time of year, weather and a combination of things. But the past week the longing to be with family has been acute. So here I am...

I must also say, that I also do realize how profoundly blessed I am for not only family, but friends. In moments of the potential 'pity party,' it is then that you are dragged out to frolic in the snow or have a much needed chat on the cell to put things in perspective. I am grateful and blessed, but also feeling very at peace being on Faith Farm right now. So, the boys are running in circles (it's genetic:) in the living room with the crooked Christmas tree we chopped down a few hours ago with the smell of freshly baked apples filling the house. Lovin' it...
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