Sunday, May 9, 2010

Celebrating friends, blessings & life

At a time when the economy is in a stand still and all things of a political and financial nature evoke a perpetual sense of anxiety there is nothing more fitting than taking time to re-boot the hard drive and totally chill. As we are drawing nearer to the finish line of yet another school year, it is the perfect time to embrace the moment and reclaim sanity. Sometimes I find it takes a whole lot of effort in making time for yourself. We're pulled in a thousand directions throughout the day and sometimes down time can seem unattainable.

A few days ago my THR (Target Heart Rate) group from school..aka girl power:) gathered to celebrate a dear friend's Birthday. After what felt to be an endless week, everything seemed placed in perspective sitting on the patio sharing stories, laughs and simpleness. Having a solid group of girlfriends keeps it all in perspective and makes even the most trying of times feel no so dismal or daunting.

Every Friday morning at around 6:15 the girls meet before the workday is in full swing to workout and have some quality time with one another. I have to say, after six years of being a member of THR my life is a bit richer and lighter due to those I play pillow polo, scooter soccer and tennis with each Friday morning before the sun rises. I may struggle to roll out of bed in the morning, but I wouldn't trade my a.m workout sessions for anything. Girl power!

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