Friday, April 12, 2013


Earlier this week was National Sibling Day. I'm not sure if this has been around for a while and I'm just out of it or someone out there just kicked out another holiday. Whatever it is, I think it's a great idea. Any hour, day or week we set aside to count our blessings and reflect is a good thing. Family is one of the most important things in life and how often we take those we share so much in common with for granted. 
I am thankful for my sisters. As today marks the fourteenth year since I last saw my sister I am so very thankful to have had her in mine and Jessie's life for seventeen years. I have to say I miss her more than words. As I write this my heart aches and tears flow. It's still pains me to think about. 
This year I decided to step away from the Precious Gems Run as well as the talk I give each year at Seneca. It felt like it was time to let go a little bit and my heart needed a bit of a breather. It wasn't easy, but it seemed like it was time to step away. 
I come to find out that a local college approached our organization with the intent of redoing the Precious Gems video to distribute to high schools throughout Jersey and Pennsylvania. Just when I thought the chapter was closing it seems to be, yet again, extended. 
I try to consider all of the good that has and continues to come out of the loss of the girls. I realize that my name, along with the other four families, is forever synonymous with the events of April 6th, 1999. There is a sense of comfort in the fact that good has come from hurt, but the reality is that every once in a while I find myself thinking about what Shana would be doing, what she would look like and where all of us would be if the crash never occurred. It's a million what ifs that can drive you crazy. 
So even though my heart still pains I will remember and I will cherish the time that we were given. I am thankful for all the pictures, the memories and the goodness Jess, Shana and I had for so long. Each memory is tucked away in my heart and will stay with me as long as I walk this earth. I am thankful and look forward to one day having the three of us united smiling, hugging and picking up where we left off. A three-fold cord is not quickly broken....

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