Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Women-ly Goodness : )

Last week I had approximately 24 hours of super goodness along with feeling tremendously humbled by through the words and encouragements of my family, friends & colleagues. A bit ago I was informed that I was one of five other women of the year for Burlington County. It wasn't until the day of the event that it all sort of clicked in.
The day began with my colleagues throwing me a Pancake Palooza. I was overwhelmed with the hugs, words of encouragement and love bestowed upon me by so many. It is a blessing to work with so many awesome people that challenge me to be a better person and finding ways to better our staff and our kids.

Later in the evening Keith and Taylor accompanied me to the banquet that was being held for the six of us being honored. It takes a bit to jar my emotions, but being in the midst of the honorees and my PGM moms added fuel to my spirit. How encouraging it is to hear how our words and determination can and is making an impact. Not only is it an honor to hear what is being accomplished, but it further reinforces how very important it is to align the words we say with our actions. It's so easy to just play the role on the clock, but it's a whole different ball game allowing the message and the values spread on the clock into the remaining 24 hours of the day. Our words matter. Our passion matters. I believe that the fight is worth fighting even on the most intense of days.
Sitting in a room filled with pretty amazing people just reinforced that this life isn't about materials. It isn't about serving ourselves because that's fleeting. My heart's desire is to make an impact, to love other's as Christ loves us and to be an example of what the love of God is. Because without God, without the example of true love I'm pretty done over. Love is good. God is love. Bam! 

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