Friday, July 12, 2013

I am savoring every moment of my 'travelling 
of mind' where the days blend together, time 
doesn't really matter and the biggest stressor of 
the day is where we want to eat.
Life and the pace most of us function at is warp 
madness (phrase coined by yours truly). We are 
so busy being busy. Finding time to be still, 
enjoy our surroundings and the moments around us 
are few and far between. I'm guilty of it.
But as Tay and I were chatting with three backpackers 
we met at a traed (Irish jam session) I was reminded 
of how important it is to reflect and relx. These
girls were trekking the globe, living out of a suitcase 
and going with wherever the map lead them that day. 
One of the girls commented how nervous she was to
return to the States, find a job and re-transition to
normal life.
She was me ten years ago. I told her living from a pack 
your whole life isn't realistic, but wht she experienced 
was a gift, a treasure she will have with her forever.
And although once a couch surfer, always a couch
surfer there is something profoundly unique
about those who have travelled in a way that very
few have. 
I feel blessed to have travelled the globe in the manner
I have and now,the travelling continues in new and
 different ways. Life is a journey. 
As I sit with Taylor laying in the sun on the harbor
 of Kinvera I it has been a joy expanding the travel
circle and my heart wouldn't want to be anywhere
 else right now. 

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