Thursday, July 18, 2013

signs and direction

I love signs. When abroad I'm a bit more on the look out than back home for the posted sign with deep meaning or the one that is nothing short of awesome. It's funny how if you take a minute and think that there is often great meaning behind the words painted whatever board or cement block. 
As I am unpacking and having been back in Medford Lakes for less than 24 hours a whole lot goes through my mind. It's nice to be home.  It's nice to not have to schlep my stuff in a bag, but it's also nice to schlep your stuff in a bag : ) There's so much I enjoyed about backpacking again, but it's nice to come home. 

The morning started with a little unpacking and a little outside weeding. Life as normal begins to creep its way back. But I am so grateful for my experiences. The people we met, the landscapes we viewed and the fullness of travel experienced stays with you for a life time. 
With summer still here and a good chunk of it left I look forward to embracing the days ahead, finding ways to seek life out and to find beauty in the moment. In travel mode I savor everything around me; even the madness, well, at least I make a concerted effort to. My focus back home is to not reserve that for solely those days or weeks of travel, but to try and slow down a bit and enjoy what's around me. 
The truth is sometimes we do need a sign in florescent yellow to keep us from tripping up or the huge poster over head to remind us that life is at our finger tips. It's a good thing.  We all need reminders every once and awhile. 

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