Sunday, February 5, 2012

SACs Unite!

Teachers have their convention in November. Astronauts not only have specialized ice cream, but they have trainings IN space. There aren't that many perks in the wide world of addiction's counseling, but when February rolls around I am anxious to head to Atlantic City and re-charge with my fellow SACs. The conference is ironically held in the land of gambling, gluttony and all things of a tawdry nature that our annual conference is held. What better place, right?
At least once a week I hear, "I could never do your job" or "I would never want your job." From the viewpoint of anyone viewing what the average addiction's counselors does each and every day, it seems daunting.
We deal with a whole bunch that is pretty equivalent to riding an emotional roller coaster blindfolded. Sign me up! I look it a little differently. In my heart I feel profoundly blessed to have the privilege of working with young people, their hearts, their struggles and through the thick and the thin of it all hopefully make an impact in a way that will better the road ahead.

There have been those days that I look in the mirror and wonder what if I had become a baker, a teacher or even a professional couch surfer. But as I sat in a room with 200 + other SACs last Friday it seems, without doubt, that we were all given the similar ingredients to become who we are and do what we do day in and day out. I think there is definitely something a little different about each of us in this field. You can call that a quirk, uniqueness...whatever, but the reality is that there is just that 'something' that SACs possess.
I am grateful to be able to be in a field that in my heart, even on the most insane of days, I feel that I have the ability to make a difference. When I roll out of bed in the morning I dig going to work, being with some good quality people and taking one day at a time. 


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