I've been back in Jersey since Wednesday late afternoon & now find myself scrambling around throwing things in my duffle bag before my flight destined for Paris reaches 15,000 feet. I'm not sure why I always wait until the last minute for everything, but I'll just blame it on A.D.D, genetics and my big hair.
This weekend, Jenna, my cousin from Bayonne visited. She is entering eleventh grade & it means a great deal that she still enjoys spending time with me. When your sixteen anything over twenty one is equivalent to fossils and spam. It was wonderful being able to catch up, do a little school shopping and really just spend some quality time together. There's nothing sweeter than being in good company, with solid conversation and plenty of laughs in between.
Looking at the clock, my ride for Philly Centrale arrives in 2.5 hours and I'm digging it. I met Mama B for a little cafe at the Golden Arches this a.m; we really are quite a posh pair : ) I haven't seen her in a few weeks & her & the whole Blong crew are truly family. It's funny how large one's circle can be when it comes to 'family.' I consider myself blessed to have her and so many others in my life; they make me a better person.
I will refrain from anymore Halmark references and complete my packing process (aka grabbing things from my closet & drawers and giving it a toss in the duffle). I'll check in once settled in Paris.
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