Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Thanks for the Giving

I have to confess my favorite part of the holiday season is all of our crazy train projects at school. There's such a sense of fulfillment doing good stuff. Monday night a handful of peeps helped me prep and stuff all the bags going out the following day for Project Seneca Turkey. We organized a total of thirty bags and even though we only had 25 signed up I've been doing this long enough that those extra five bags will inevitably by used.
Sitting on the loading dock placing bags of goods that would be lining the tables of many families in our community on Thanksgiving Day was nothing short of awesome. I'm proud of all the students and my colleagues who gathered the thirty turkeys, countless items of stuffing and cranberry sauce to heaps of baked cookies and breads. Love it!

As if Tuesday wasn't hectic enough the day was kicked off with our first official Pancake Palooza serving a full fledge pancake breakfast to over 90 students and faculty who signed up to donate their hair later in the day towards the Pantene Beautiful Lengths Project. All of the hair donated is going to be used for constructing wigs for individuals battling cancer. My thought is providing some solid carbs before such a selfless act was the least we could do. Peace, Love and Pancakes...the world is just a little bit lighter with pancakes and tie dye shirts. 

The assembly held later in the day (yes this is all still in the same day) left me speechless. Ninety students and faculty gathered before the student body to rock out some locks of goodness. What a way to start the break! Happy Thanksgiving : )

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