Sunday, November 4, 2012

Jersey Strong

In the past few days the severity of Sandy's impact has become increasingly apparent. Within hours of being back in school Wednesday kids were scrambling and brainstorming for ways to raise money, gather supplies and provide encouragement to those who had been impacted. Posts and texts from family and friends in North Jersey waiting hours in line for a full tank of gas only to return to homes with no heat or power. It's insane and even though we were subjected to high winds and falling trees a few days ago I've already overheard people complaining in lines at the store over a shortage with a particular type of food, lack of circulars at a local pharmacy and delayed texting. We just had a hurricane people, get with it. 
Thirty miles away our fellow Jersey-ites have no power, no running water and in many cases have lost their homes. The shore lines have been pummeled. Thousands are living in temporary shelters. It is our responsibility to get involved, step up to the plate and do something. This morning Keith and I headed to AC with a car load of supplies provided by friends and a local Starbucks (shout out, Liz Froba, queen of the latte) to drop off at the Atlantic City Rescue Mission. FEMA has set up temporary housing directly across the street. I guess I was expecting the parking lot to have more supplies and cars unloading. Supplies were low and the need is only increasing. This is when I wish I could have a little magic wand power! 

On the flip side of things, it has been super encouraging to see how many people WANT to help, WANT to get involved and WANT to be part of the relief process. One stone makes a ripple, heaps of stones can make a wave! One of my dearest friends is a manager at Starbucks and, without hesitation, put the word out there and has already gathered a tremendous amount of items that is going directly to folks in LBI, AC and North Jersey. Bam! I also LOVE when kids get involved. Get the vision when you're young, baby! Friends of ours are pretty much super awesome parents for always initiating the 'get involved' mantra with their three kids. Jenna and Kate, only in middle school, were rocking out with sandwiches to feed our peeps in Philly on Tuesday along with gathering warm clothes for our friends in Bayonne. 

Tomorrow I head up to Bayonne to drop off a whole bunch of stuff to family and friends in Bayonne. Most of the town is still without electric and that makes for an extremely cold and inconvenient way of like for so many people. I am also looking forward to spending time with some of my family and taking the time to be together. Sometimes my heart and mind are stretched a bit too thin. The past week has been one of those times. Last week my aunt passed away and with all the craziness occurring up North normal rituals in loss become equivalent to the spin cycle in a wash. Everything is everywhere.
My heart is very overwhelmed right now with the devastation in Jersey along with the loss of my aunt. I am saddened for my mother who has lost a sister. I am heart heavy for a cousin who has lost her mother. And I am burdened for a woman that I wish could have had the opportunity to regain a quality of life she deserved, but will never have.
As the trek is made tomorrow, I do hope for time of solace even in all this craziness. Maybe before starting the day some time will be allocated for a good few minutes on a bench by the park with a cup of coffee. That will be my morning zen before the intensity begins. 

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