Friday, July 29, 2011

defrosted cake and the adriatic

It's amazing how quickly time flies. Last night we unwrapped the top tier of our wedding cake and shared a little nosh. We opted to do an early breaking of cake because in less than 12 hours we head out for a week long cruise on the Adriatic Sea (Italy, Slovenia & we come!). My thoughts were, just bring that sucker with us and we could eat it on international waters. But being that customs might night be so open minded, we were good with celebrating early in good old Medford Lakes.
It has been a good year and with one behind, I look forward to the years ahead and all the chapters that are before us. I drove Grandma Gert and Harold around the farm for a little personalized tour and as we drove along the pond where we exchanged vows the grass is higher and the cows and pigs now graze. It was a great night with even more amazing memories surrounded by our loved ones. I've sort of freeze framed different parts of that night from walking down the aisle, singing to my husband by the lights of cell phones, glow sticks and leopard throws courtesy of my thr girls; it was quite an experience.
I feel profoundly blessed to have so many really good, salt of the earth people in my life. As my dad would say, 'it's good stuff.' Yes it is.
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